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University of Cambridge Kendo Society - Tsurugi Bashi Kendo Kai



Basic terminology

Commands issued at the start of the session

  • Seiretsu = line up
  • Chakuza = sit down
  • Shisei o tadashite = straighten up
  • Mokuso = meditation
  • Yame = stop
  • Shomen ni: rei = bow to the shomen
  • Sensei ni: rei = bow to the sensei
  • Otagai ni: rei = bow to each other
  • Men o tsuke = put on men

Commands issued at the end of the session

  • Seiretsu = line up
  • Chakuza = sit down
  • Men o tore = take off men
  • Shisei o tadashite = straighten up
  • Mokuso = meditation
  • Yame = stop
  • Sensei ni: rei = bow to the sensei
  • Shomen ni: rei = bow to the shomen
  • Otagai ni: rei = bow to each other

Component parts of the shinai

  • Take = bamboo
  • Tsuba = guard
  • Tsubadome = guard stopper
  • Tsukagawa = hilt leather cover
  • Sakigawa = tip leather cap
  • Sakigomu = tip rubber piece (inside tip)
  • Chigiri = square metal piece (inside hilt)
  • Nakayui = leather strap
  • Tsuru = string
structure of the shinai
Image credit: AJKF Kendo Dictionary

Regions of the shinai, bokuto or katana

  • monouchi = best cutting region of the sword (approx top quarter of whole sword)
  • kensen = pointed tip of the sword
  • tsuka = hilt
  • tsuka-gashira = bottom of hilt
  • jinbu = cutting edge


  1. ichi
  2. ni
  3. san
  4. shi (yon)
  5. go
  6. roku
  7. shichi (nana)
  8. hachi
  9. kyuu (ku)
  10. juu
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